Emerging Angel Programme

Invest with Impact

Learn to combine profit with social returns. Our Fortune Entrepreneur Centre portfolios excel financially and solve global problems. We source top deals for better returns and diverse portfolios in emerging markets. In the Emerging Angel Program, you’ll gain venture capital experience as a Limited Partner, assisting in the diligence and execution of ten deals, achieving optimal diversification.

Learn from Experts

An eight-week course delivered by industry experts and academics

Week 1

Startup vs. Lifestyle & Growth Stages

Week 2

Raising Capital & Sources

Week 3

Demystifying VC

Week 4

Sourcing Deals & Valuations

Week 5

Reviewing Deals

Week 6

Due Diligence: Management Team & Compensation

Week 7

Due Diligence (Go-To-Market Strategy, Technology & Financials)

Week 8

Deal Terms & Post-Investment

After completing the course, join live diligence calls with potential portfolio companies.

Advice and Mentor

Provide strategic support to portfolio companies through our network of seasoned executives, industry experts, and successful investors, fostering an ecosystem where startups can flourish.

Build Your Network

Join our vibrant community and expansive network, partnering with top angel groups nationwide to foster innovative ideas and successful ventures.

The Process


Our exclusive community ensures all new members uphold the highest integrity.


Commit 10,000 GBP or equivalent in our certified portfolios to achieve diversification and power law goals.

Engage and Excel

Join the class and graduate with expertise. Engage in bi-annual sessions to conduct diligence on upcoming cohorts, gaining hands-on experience and insight.

This program is delivered in partnership with the London School of Social Enterprise and Sustainable Economics.